Stiofán Mag Eacháin
West Tyrone
Ógra Shinn Féin
At the recent Ógra Shinn Féin National Congress held in Dublin’s Liberty Hall, we launched a new broad Anti - Imperialist campaign, A.R.I.S.E, which is an acronym for Anti Racism, Imperialism, Sectarianism and Exploitation.
The campaign aims to highlight and challenge Imperialism and it’s by-products both at home and abroad.
As young Republicans we fully embrace this campaign, we believe in order to build a new Ireland - an Ireland of Equals, we must bring these evils (Racism, Imperialism, Sectarianism and Exploitation) to an end.
These by-products of Imperialism affect our everyday lives and must be challenged at every given opportunity.
Capitalism is evident in everyday society. Profit before people seems to be the watchword of many Governments throughout the world today. The same exists in Ireland. The whole system is corrupt and must be challenged.
People are having an extra financial burden having to pay for basic necessities of life. This can be seen through the much-publicised privatisation of the water system. We all have seen capitalism raising its ugly head in places such as Rossport, Co. Mayo in a profit before people farce.
Sectarianism is also a major scourge on society in modern day Ireland. The conflict here in Ireland is not a religious one - however the British government in particular, attempt to portray this.
We can look at the three-pronged (so called criminalisation, ulsterisation, ‘normalisation’) approach of the British in the late 1970’s as evidence (if any was needed)
The existence of a Police FORCE as opposed to a civic policing service is yet another example.
In line with numerous western societies the PSNI are agents of coercion and their ultimate aim is to uphold the state through whatever means possible. They are working to a political protocol determined by MI5. In any democratic society (which doesn’t presently exist in Ireland) a police service should deal with civic policing duties.
The A.R.I.S.E campaign will cover many issues, such as Republican prisoners at home and solidarity with prisoners abroad i.e. Leonard Peltier, The Miami 5 and the injustices in Guantanomo Bay. The campaign will also cover the illegal occupations of Ireland, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan and the Malvinas.
It is time for us to A.R.I.S.E. and mobilise as many people in support of our objectives!
Time For Action!
Smash Imperialism!
id urge comrades to think of mumia abu jamal at this time. saturday will mark 25 years since mumia was wrongfully imprisoned for the shooting of a police officer. on death row since 1982 mumia has been a constant thorn in the side of the american authorities writing three books and several articles while imprisoned.
id ask comrades to visit his web page to learn more. its www.mumia.org
A chara,
This policing debate is an intresting one. Something that republicans would have completely steered clear of in the past is now up for questioning. "Should we support the PSNI to police the our communities?" In my opinion the answer is quiet difficult an i have not yet come to a conclusion to what is best. Anti social behaviour is a matter that needs to be addressed in the six counties. Some form of policing needs to exist. However, is supporting the PSNI worth while after the crimes which has been committed by its predesscesor?
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