Stephen McGahan
West Tyrone
Ógra Shinn Féin
The recent crash of a British Army helicopter in South Armagh is an indication, if any were needed that these instruments of Britain's war machine in Ireland must be removed immediately from our skies.
There is absolutely no justification for British army helicopters flying throughout the six counties after over a decade of a supposed peace process.
This is not the only accident over the past number of year's involving British military aircraft. Had this accident or any previous been over densely populated or built up areas the effects would have been catastrophic. Indeed the helicopter which crashed on Sunday landed only yards away from a large housing estate and the grounds of Crossmaglen GFC.
Such flights by British aircraft must cease immediately. With the welcome news that Omagh British Army camp is to close in August of this year I would hope that this will see British helicopters in the sky a thing of the past, not only in Omagh but throughout the north of Ireland.

There is no justification whatsoever for these instruments of war to be flying in our skies many years into a peace process.
If the helicopter had of crashed into the estate the cost of human life would have been casastrophic and for what - so that a few peelers had to supposedly be air lifted out of cross.
There is no serious threat to them and to say that they had to be airlifted is an excuse to continue using helicopters.
well said comrade,
time for all British armed forces to leave Ireland, for good!
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