As part of Ógra Shinn Féin's National Campaign 'Who Fears to Speak of a United Ireland?' Ógra has endeavoured to engage with a wide variety of opinion, to gain a better understanding of why people oppose or support Irish Unity, and to use this experience to enhance our tactics. This has thus far involved debates, articles and discussions, and is intended to continue over the coming time.
As part of this initiative, National Campaigns Officer has undertaken to send all elected reps in the country the below email.
Dear Cllr X,
I am a member of Ógra Shinn Fein, a republican youth movement, and our current national campaign is titled 'Who Fears To Speak of a United Ireland?'. This campaign has as its aim to re-examine the case for reunification from a new perspective. As part of this we are looking to collate a wide variety of opinions from, among others, elected representatives, to outline their opinions on the United Ireland issue and highlight their reasons for supporting/opposing the re-unification of Ireland. This can take the form of either a short video clip (30 seconds - 1 minute) or a written piece (100-200 words). If you would like to participate in a short video clip, I have a camera and can organise to meet you and record that with you when you are free or, if not, please forward me on a written piece in your own time. We would be very glad to hear from you and we are sure your contribution would add greatly to the overall project.
These opinion pieces are being collected locally by Ógra activists across Ireland and, when we have received a substantial amount of them back, they will form a series of opinion pieces which will be published in a booklet and/or reel of video clips which will, in turn, be circlated within local and national media circles, and ultimately will inform our strategy for achieving Irish Unity.
Keeping with our bilingual policy we hope to get pieces in both English and Irish language so má bhfuil Gaeilge ar bith agat, bain úsáid as i d'alt
Thanking you for your co-operation.
A chara,
Táim i mo bhall d'Ógra Shinn Féin, gluaiseacht poblachtach na hóige, agus tá feachtais náisiúnta againnfaoi láthair dar teidil 'Cé atá eaglach a labhairt faoi Éire Aontaithe?'. Is é an cúspóir den fheachtais seo ná chun athscrúdú a dhéanamh ar na hargóintí difriúil maidir leis ath-aontú na hÉireann. Mar pháirt den feachtais seo tá muid ag iarraidh éagsúlacht leathan na dtuairimí ó ionadaí tofa i measc daoine eile agus in iad seo, bheadh tuairimí éagsúla ar Éire Aontaithe agus na fathanna go mbeadh tú in aghaidh nó i gcomhair í. Más mian leat a bheith páirteach, tá fís-ceamara agam agus is féidir liom cruinniú a eagrú leatsa chun píosa gearr a thaifeadadh (30 s - 1 nóiméid) nó, ina áit sin, is féidir leat sliocht gearr a sheoladh orm (100-200 fcl.) le do thuairimí ar an tábhar. Bheimís sásta do thuairim a chloisteáil agus táimíd cinnte go mbeadh do dhréacht an-úsáideach dúinn inár dtionscadal!
Tá gníomhaígh Ógra Shinn Féin ag bailiú iad seo go háitiúil ar fud na hÉireann mar sin nuair a bhfuil dóthán seolta ar ais chuigainn beidh muid ag déanamh suas agus, go dochasach, ag foilsiú leabhrán agus/nó sraith ghearrthóg físe a mbeidh scaipthe trína meáin go háitiúla agus go náisiúnta.
Tá súil againn go gheobhaidh muid freagairtí sa Bhéarla agus sa Ghaeilge, mar sin, má bhfuil Gaeilge agat, bain úsáid as i do phíosa!
Go raibh maith agat as do chomhoibriú,
Le meas,
Luke Callinan
Oifigeach Feachtais Náisiúnta,
Ógra Shinn Féin
The repsonses have started to come in now in a steady stream, and we have received many interesting responses.
Over the coming weeks and months we will be posting as many as possible of these opinions, be they positive, negative, or downright odd. (Cllr Gareth Wilson DUP, Armagh and district, take a bow).
We are encouraging activists to take ownership of this issue. Contact your local reps, and get their opinions. If they support Unity, find out how they think it will happen, or if not, flush them out and get them to spell out why they disagree with it. And it needn't be just elected reps. Ask prominent sports people, or personalities in your area, or even ordinary activists or members of your community. All contributions will add to our understanding of the issues. Or why not get a camcorder, and we can get youtube clips up.
Then send all of them on to and the debate can carry on here.
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