Monday, April 02, 2007

Kilkenny Shout - Smash Imperialism!

Ógra Shinn Féin activists staged a demonstration outside the Town Hall in Kilkenny, last Saturday as part of ÓSF's national campaign, A.R.I.S.E. - Anti-Racism, Imperialism, Sectarianism and Exploitation. The focus of the campaign this month was to highlight the failure of global imperialism.

The action in Kilkenny on Saturday, which was a part of month's ÓSF national day of action, attracted a considerable amount of attention from by-passers, not least from the young people of Kilkenny.

Prior to the demonstration, the Ógra Shinn Féin Ceatharlach / Cill Choinnigh cumann held their monthly meeting. The meeting, informative and encouraging, addressed a number of issues one of which was the phenomenal success of Sinn Féin in the 6 county Assembly Elections, and the current state of the process. The forthcoming General Elections were also discussed and there was a buoyant mood in relation to Sinn Féin's campaign in Carlow / Kilkenny.

The participation of Ógra activists in the General Election was also a topic of discussion during the meeting. Members were all in agreement that there was a need to take politics back from the establishment parties, making it relevant to the people, and especially the youth.

Pléfadh an riachtanas do spreagadh na Gaeilge ag an cruinniú chomh maith. Bhí muintir uile an grúpa ar aon fhocal go raibh gá athógáil agus forbairt a dhéanamh ar an Gaeilge rud a bheidh athdhéanamh ag an cumann ó anois ar aghaidh. Dhearbhaigh lucht na cruinnithe go raibh siad fós glan i gcoinne pleananna chun íslíú a dhéanamh ar stádas na Gaeilge. Gheall an cruinniú troid i gcoinne aon iarrachtaí den tsaghas sin.

Coming out of the meeting local organiser Peadar de Bluit said,

"ÓSF in Carlow / Kilkenny were committed to increasing youth activism in the area, and offering a real alternative to young people instead of than the monotonous rhetoric of others."

For further information on Ógra and Ógra activities contact; Similarly you can log onto;,, or the ÓSF Carlow / Kilkenny bebo page;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ARISE in the morning with the fenian men.....