Monday, April 16, 2007

The Troop Surge Still Isn’t Working!

David Byrne
Meath Ógra Shinn Féin

As I predicted in my earlier article, terrorist George Bush’s troop surge isn’t at all working. It is extraordinary that three-and-a-half years after the US captured Baghdad it still controls so little of the city. The objectives of the surge, was to control the city of 7 million people, Baghdad, with 61% of the Iraqi people in favour of attacks on the forces of occupation. It amazes me that Bush and his cronies cannot see that a surge into a particular area of the country will not succeed. For instance if the US army mounts pressure on the Shia Mehdi Army in Baghdad, they will simply push out and concentrate attacks on US supply lines.

But President Bush has much more ambitious expectations. "With Iraqis in the lead," he told Congress on 23 January, "our forces will secure the city by chasing down the terrorists, insurgents, and the roaming death squads." He is speaking here of gaining full control of Baghdad. This is not likely to happen because the Sunni insurgents and Shia militiamen are too well entrenched and generally have more legitimacy in the eyes of Iraqis than government forces.

Bush’s paranoia has forced him to blame Iran for the successfulness of the Shia Militias. Bush has continuously turned down Iranian and Syrian requests to talk about the occupation. Perhaps there is a more sinister motive in his magnificent surge and his hostility towards Iran. Perhaps he has other intentions for the use of the 21,000 extra troops that have been drafted.

US confrontation or war with Iran will prolong the war in Iraq.. If the US stages air raids, assassinations or pin prick attacks against Iran then it is likely to increase rather than reduce its involvement in Iraq.

In reality there is little evidence that it gives critical support to either Sunni insurgents or Shia militias though it could do so if it needed to. After spending four years failing to defeat the five million Iraqi Sunni the US could find itself fighting the 17 million Iraqi Shia as well.

After all, there is one thing that unites all Iraqis. And that is US/Brits out!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The bombing today in Baghdad shows how little impact the surge of troops has achieved!