Saturday, April 12, 2008

Lets Get Active!!!

While leaflets provide information and can be effective we are meant to be a radical youth wing so we need to be using that as a foundation not as our whole campaign.

What way you chose to tackle the drug and alcohol problem in your area is up to you, but all I urge you to do is use your own initiative to act on this issue.

The QUB Sheena Campbell Cumann is hosting a guest speaker on the Wednesday the 30th of April at 4pm to give a drug awareness talk. The talk will not
only look at the problems of drugs and the effect it can have on people, but will also inform us how to deal with people who are on drugs.

In a perfect world drug dealers and drug addicts would not exists, but there is no point of dreaming of what should be, instead we need to deal with the problems in our society to make a safer place for every-one.

The talk will give us the information and through exercises develop the skills so we can detect signs of people who are becoming addicts and know how to cope if such situations should arise.

The talk is only one way in which we can inform ourselves of the fact
s surrounding the drug problem in our country so we can make people in our own communities aware of what is happening.

There are only 15 places available for this opportunity, I think it would be beneficial if a range of areas were in attendance as they could take the information back and provide leaflets or arrange their own talk.

If you are serious about being active on N.A.R.C and want to make a difference then please attend the talk. To confirm your attendance and get further information email Gemma Mc Kenna her address is

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant initiative.