Between Kilkenny and Cork, some Ógra Shinn Féin activists 'One The One Road' stop off at Waterford to relieve two flag poles of the Imperialist British and USA Flag. An act in solidarity with oppressed people the world over. Up The Republic!
Cutting The Cord
Down with Imperialism!
Yes, petty vandalism disguised as as a political statement won't get us far.
why didnt you take down and burn the american flag, surely you dont think they are any better than the brit's? i thought osf were radical, maybe you are under the thumb of the big party
As stated in the post, both the USA and British flag where taken down in an act of solidarity with those that live under oppression and Imperialism.
fair play to you lads,taking it down and dumping it is a lot better than burning it on top of bonfires in catholic areas,our young generation are now more like the klu klux klann.burn everything that does'nt agree with it!!!
I accused you chaps of flag burning on another site.
If I have to correct myself let me know- what did you do with the flags?
It says clearly the flag was taken down, no where does it say that it was burned. I agree with the action, an act of solidarity with those that the USA and Butchers Apron Flys over with tyranny. The Brits and US kill hundreds every week - who ever criticises this action as somehow over the top would need to catch themselves on.
Put things in perspective, USA and Brits kill hundreds, ÓSF take down a flag. Reality check and less victimhood!
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