Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Message from Segi

Dear comrades,

We are representatives of a people; our country doesn't appear in the maps, because the imperialistic French and Spanish state don't allow us to.

This is possible among other reasons, because the stateless peoples are prisoners of this liberal Europe that is controlled by capital and capitalists.

Euskal Herria has 3.000.000 inhabitants and this is the data of repression during 2008:

- 764 Political prisoners (Amongst them ETA activists, but also members of Batasuna (pro- independence left party), activists of SEGI and members of different popular movements, journalists newspaper directors...)
- 14.000.000 €; Costs of the dispersion policy (Consistent in spreading Basque prisoners throughout all the Spanish and French prisons as far as possible from Euskal Herria)
- 390 arrested
- 62 tortured (6of whom ended in hospital)
- 65 demonstrations attacked by police
- More than 100 injured during demonstrations
- 121 arrested in demonstrations

Those are the data of Zapatero's and Sarkozy's democracies.

Even more, during this last months we have came back to the darkest moments of the dirty war. They have disappeared the Basque activist Jon Anza.

And all the information that we have nowadays point the states as responsible, unfortunately it seems that we are facing another case of dirty war, Zapatero and Sarkozy, WHERE IS JON?

In front of all this the pro-independence youth movement for the liberation of Euskal Herria has made a tour all around Europe. Before the Gazte Martxa (Mountain Hike organized by the youth movement in Euskal Herria).

Several revolutionary international organizations debated around the struggle for other Europe. Our organizations were different and were organized in different ways but we had a common objective, building a Europe that will respect the right of peoples and youth. And with that target we exchanged experiences, ways of facing different themes...

The pro-independence youth movement has carried out a tour during May to spread the conclusions of those debates and explain which is our project towards other Europe, how does the Basque youth organize it shelf and which is the response of the Spanish and French state, during the month of may our representatives visited:

- Zurich 1-2
- Paris - Lille 14-15
- Brussels 16-17
- Berlin 14-15-16-17
- Copenhagen 14-15-16
- Granada -Cordoba 16-17
- Oslo 17-18-19
- Madrid - Valladolid 18-19
- Stockholm 20-21-21-23
- Barcelona – Villafranca -Valencia 21-22-23
- Santiago Compostela - Vigo 21-22-23
- Helsinki 24-25-26
- Roma - Firenze - Milan 22-23-24-25-26-27

We ended our tour with an action before the European elections in the Spanish embassy at Rome, with that action we wanted to thank solidarity and denounce the terrorist being of the French and Spanish states.

Euskal Herria is struggling for a free and rebel Europe, and the pro-independence youth is the new generation that picks up that baton.

We have to highlight also that we just faced the European Elections where the pro-independence left couldn't take part as a result of being declared illegal and terrorist by the Spanish state.

Fortunately solidarity amongst revolutionaries is never missing. We realize this in our everyday work and we have seen in this European tour that we have far more friends than enemies, and that all around there is people who believes in revolution and is ready to help and support Basque revolutionaries.

We have seen a wonderful example of that internationalist solidarity during last European elections, some organizations; with the support of others have created Initiative Internacionalista (Internationalist Initiative) that has overcome the fascist laws of the Spanish state.

The Spanish state even tried to outlaw the candidature headed by the famous playwright Alfonso Sastre, but they didn't manage to and so there was an option to vote for a revolutionary candidature that believed in freedom and justice; which defended peoples Europe, is willing to face capitalism; that was the reason for the pro-independence left to ask people to vote for them.

In the north of Euskal Herrian, Euskal Herriaren Alde appears as representative of the movement that will face French colonization and that was the reason for us to ask people to vote for them.

After the elections we had the surprise that there had been several cases of rigging and there was no clarification to the irregularities found during the European Elections in the Spanish State:

Those were different kind:

- Many votes were assigned to candidates who didn’t receive those votes. Example: In the Basque municipality of Amezketa (Province of Gipuzkoa) the party called POSI received 100% of the votes owned by Iniciativa Internacionalista.
- Valid votes were counted as invalid. Example: In the province of Guadalajara 50% of the votes counted as invalids were discovered as valid
- Increase of white and invalid votes has been huge and suspicious and there is not a clear explanation for that. Statistical analysis of the increase per region makes no sense. Despite participation on this polls was similar to 2004 polls, white votes increased 125.000 and invalids increased 50.000. The clearest case we find in Cataluña, a region where II votes were expected to be higher, there is 534% increase on white votes and a 366% increase on invalid votes.

In addition, citizens found different obstacles when intending to get the counting data coming from the double checking process. In front of this there is an initiative asking to know the truth.

We ask the international solidarity to sing for true as a person or as a collective:

Lastly, we thank all the youth that have participated on the activities of peoples Europe youth and rebel and made this tour possible.

We will meet on the struggle, revolutionary regards,

Borroka da bide bakarra!
The only way is the struggle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fair play comrades keep it alive.

Jo Ta Ke!