Thursday, August 21, 2008

Greening the Post Boxes – DIY!

Over the past week over 50 Post Boxes across the North have been painted back to their rightful shade of Green.

The organisers behind the ‘Green Post Box Campaign’ are using the initial burst of action, as a way to promote the initiative, and encourage every young nationally minded person, to play a part in this public service and ‘Do It Yourself!’

An Ógra Shinn Féin spokesperson said,

“Activists have been engaged in the greening of post boxes across the north in the previous week, to assert proudly and very visibly that we live in Ireland, and our post boxes should be green.”

“This is a practical manifestation of the All Ireland agenda, a novel way in which young nationally minded people can promote their Irishness and highlight the folly of partition. The young people involved in these actions are simply providing a public service and should be applauded for saving ‘An Post’ a job of work when we achieve Irish unity.”

“The greening of northern post boxes is a job for all young Irish people. The campaign has started, its time to get your bucket of green gloss, paint brush and ‘Do It Yourself!”

(Central Drive, Derry)

(Eden Terrace, Strabane)

(Strathroy aka 'The Roy', Omagh)

(Middletown, Armagh)

(Derry City)


(Carrickmore, County Tyrone)


Anonymous said...

this is a great campaign, its gets people involved and is a visable protest on every street corner to partition and to british imperialism. More of this please!
- Senyaki

Anonymous said...

Surely you arent so ignorant of the historical relevance and dark humor of this? The free state bothered with just the same superficial, empty gesture as painting green over the british crown. In the end that political project was not much more than a west brit sales scam. are Sinn Féin now little more than that?

Anonymous said...

Nice visible campaign which can get people talking. well done

Anonymous said...

Green post boxes? As close to a United Ireland as you'll get!

Anonymous said...

keep er lit! this is a campaign which never stops, if royal mail paints them back to red then we just keep on painting them green again. Great visible, pratical protest against british occupation!

Anonymous said...

Dont forget those PÉINT FHLUICH/WET PAINT signs!

Anonymous said...

To Corrupt Eire,

This is merely one campaign of many for us, and we are anchored very clearly to our primary and ultimate objectives, a United Ireland and the establishment of a Democratic Socialist Republic.

The Green Post Box campaign is not the same superficial empty gesture because we do not have freedom yet, and it is not state employed An Post people paiinting the post boxes green, it is young people paying for it themselves and who aspire to Liberty and Socialism.

These young people are doing actions like these to promote national pride in their areas.

If you want to be cynical and snipe, thats your choice, we'll just continue on regardless!

Beir bua!

Maire, Ógra

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The fact that the freestate merely panted green over the english crown speeks volumes of what had been achieved. True freedom is more than just the changing of national colours and the accents of the oppressor!!!


Anonymous said...

Very mature

Anonymous said...

which type of paint can be used im interesed in joining the camppain

Ógra Shinn Féin said...

Regent Green Gloss. Make sure every green post box is painted to the highest standard.

Anonymous said...

This is a very innovative and creative campaign that can instil pride in nationalist areas in the north.

There is a huge difference from the free staters painting the post boxes with a state company, paid employees and a bunch of young people volunteerily going out on their own time, money and resources and deciding to think nationally and have a green post box.

If you really want the crown removed, perhaps you could send up donations for an angle grinder, or even better if your in the south, i know of a number of young people in Wicklow who have broken the dastardly old ER symbol on the front of the post boxes.

It only takes one swing with the sledge. Get up and do something!


Ciaran Boyle said...

My Republican beliefs are more in line with the people your leadership would discribe as drug dealing traiters However, i like this campaign and i believe that it has an effect of the mindsight of people who see the green post boxes and question why the colour has changed.

You leadership has more or less called Orga criminals by retracting its support for this campaign in the stormont chamber.

Some questions for you people.

1. How is our right to national self determination defended and promoted by signing a treaty which states that no such right exists?

2. How is our right to national self determination defended and promoted by securing an electoral endorsement thereon from a partitioned Irish electorate?

3. By what authority does Sinn Fein sign a treaty which states that British occupation in Ireland can be legitimately permanent?

4. What was the legitimate pretext for the republican struggle up to the signing of the GFA?

5. Is the use of armed force defending and seeking to restore Irish sovereignty a criminal act?

6. What part of the GFA challenges Britain’s claim to sovereignty over part of Ireland?

7. Which other signatories to the GFA views it as a mechanism for, or a mechanism to, securing the unity of our national territory?