Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Where was the ‘Anti War Movement’ in Belfast??

Community Activist
Ógra Shinn Féin

I write this out of anger and frustration, and as someone who has constantly participated in broad 'Anti War' actions and marches in the past.

Last Sunday’s (2nd Nov) coat trailing parade of triumphalism by ‘our boys’ of the notorious murder machine, the UDR/RIR received deserved and righteous condemnation from Republican Socialist organisations, including Sinn Féin and Ógra, from relatives and anti collusion campaigning truth groups, with even Anarchists adding their own unique view, but none the less condemnation.

One glaring, notable exception, with deafening silence was the ‘Anti War Movement.’

Did the single biggest provocative act of British Imperialism in Ireland in recent times not warrant action?

Did the coat trailing and victory parade for war criminals and state murderers who are part and parcel of the daily massacres in the illegally occupied Iraq and Afghanistan not warrant opposition, demonstrating solidarity with those oppressed people?

Should the Irish people in the Irish ‘Anti War Movement’ not be standing shoulder to shoulder with the hundreds of families who have had loved ones murdered as a direct result of the British Occupation of Ireland and the state murder and collusion that goes with it?

Strange considering the same ‘SWP brand of anti imperialism’ people where all to quick to pontificate from platforms, point fingers and throw false allegations at Sinn Féin, when war monger George Bush was rightfully made aware of our opposition to American foreign policy when he came to Belfast earlier in the year.

Irish Republicans while always focussing on their own important task of an Irish Socialist Republic, have consistently opposed imperialism across the world, James Connolly in his last statement May 9 1916, writing,

“We went out to break the connection between this country and the British Empire, and to establish an Irish Republic. We believed that the call we then issued to the people of Ireland, was a nobler call, in a holier cause, than any call issued to them during this war, having any connection with the war.”

For many many reasons the right thing, the anti imperialist thing, and the anti war thing to do on Sunday was to turn out in opposition to the coat trailing and provocative ‘victory’ parade, and yet the very movement who proclaims anti imperialist credentials failed miserably, marginalising and discrediting themselves amongst genuine anti imperialists across Ireland and the world.

One of the biggest failings of the Irish ‘Anti War Movement’ has always been its absolute failure to recognise that Ireland remains occupied. A true anti imperialist organisation must challenge imperialism in all its evil and divisive manifestations, whether that be in Ireland, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Basque Country or any other country denied its national rights.

Anti Imperialism is not a pick and mix, you either oppose imperialism or you don’t.

The false excuse that this was sectarian factions clashing, has been lost and refuted by the thousands and thousands of people who witnessed through the media, the vigilant, disciplined character of republican’s, and community activists at the Sinn Féin anti imperialist/truth rally, in the face of provocative bigoted fascism.

The decision to challenge the UDR/RIR parade was not sectarian, but ensured that imperialism was opposed and further called for the truth on Collusion.

The sectarianism witnessed on the day was from the very thugs who turned out in defence of ‘their troops’, ‘heroically’ hurling bolts, bottles, and fireworks at pensioners and children to amplify their sick message.

The sectarian chants, and verbal abuse, not to mention the triumphalist union flag waving displays and attacks from these mindless bigots on the scaffold, adjacent to the joint Sinn Féin and relatives rally, was quite rightly described as a wall of sectarian hatred.

Our struggle must be based in communities, of the community, with the community, and for the community, that is exactly what drove republicans onto the streets of Belfast on Sunday. The nationalist communities oppressed and murdered by the British Army and Unionist death squads, demanded opposition to this charade.

Anti Imperialism is not a fashion accessory or part of the latest range of trendy lefty, with matching combats, Che t shirt and Palestine scarf, but should be squarely focussed on responsibility.

We all have a responsibility to ourselves and our people, to take back what is rightfully ours, but we will only do that through hard graft, through communities, building them up, educating and organising people to change our society from the bottom up and popularise the demand for Irish freedom, so that we can pave the way to the democratic socialist republic.

We should always extend international solidarity and stand up for oppressed peoples across the globe, but if we are honest comrades, our most important, sincere and useful solidarity will be demonstrated when we stand as a free, egalitarian Ireland, as a beacon of hope to other oppressed nations and peoples across the globe.

South Africa, Cuba and Venezuela have demonstrated that international solidarity admirably.

Our task at home must continue, and all Irish people, including the ‘Anti War Movement’ should heed the call of James Connolly as he went to his death for that, which he passionately believed in,

“Believing that the British Government has no right in Ireland, never had any right in Ireland, and never can have any right in Ireland!”


Anonymous said...

maith thu-brilliant article

Anonymous said...

bloody fantastic! hit the nail on the head

Anonymous said...

Heard recently that their reasons for not attending was that they do not get involved in "that sort of sectarian squabbling"! What a fucking joke, thats the percise misinformed portrayal of this conflict that the imperialists use to discredit the Republican struggle. Singing off the same hym sheet as the british imperialists, how disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Cosmetic socialists!! the AWM are absolutely discredited now. Anyone can sit around in their RATM and Che t-shirts and talk about the great struggles around the world although unless its backed up by meaningful action, then they will remain a useless pack of armchair revolutionaries!


Anonymous said...

Anti Imperialism is not a pick and mix, you either oppose imperialism or you don’t.

Ahem... George Bush visit anyone?

Anonymous said...

To anonymous, did you not read this paragraph,

"Strange considering the same ‘SWP brand of anti imperialism’ people where all to quick to pontificate from platforms, point fingers and throw false allegations at Sinn Féin, when war monger George Bush was rightfully made aware of our opposition to American foreign policy when he came to Belfast earlier in the year."

Sinn Féin did not invite George Bush to Belfast, Gordon Brown did, and Sinn Féin and Ógra made their opposition to US Foreign policy known on the streets, and in Stormont where Martin McGuinness raised these points with Bush himself.

A more productive form of protest.


Anonymous said...

"Ahem... George Bush visit anyone?"
That response says it all. What a bunch of tossers. Go do something useful!!!!