Thursday, October 08, 2009

Ho Chi Minh

Community Activist
Ógra Shinn Féin

From the first moment I read and learned about the extraordinary life, ideals and struggle of Vietnamese revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh, he has deeply inspired me.

Perhaps his character appeals to me so much, because his political beliefs much like mine and many other young republicans, where first provoked by anti imperialism, a desire for national liberation, but over time, and the many lessons his life brought him, became a committed socialist.

He was born in the late 19th Century into a Vietnam oppressed and occupied by France, the sub standard of living enforced on his people by the 'colonial masters', and their denial of even the most basic of rights, led to an early political awakening.

His life was dedicated to the freedom of Vietnam, and the creation of a new, more equal society. As one commentator in the following video points out, "He had an unshakable will that helped liberate a country, and humble a Superpower."

Inspired by Lenin's ideas and writings on national liberation, Ho Chi Minh, travelled to Moscow where he attained the skills and know how, that would keep him, the Vietnamese liberation forces and their people in good stead over the turbulent years that led to their hard fought freedom.

He led the Vietnamese in evicting the French colonialists, and although he died in 1969, his inspiring legacy has been attributed as the burning force behind Vietnamese victory.

Millions of Ho Chi Minh's people where killed in their struggle, but his undaunting leadership coupled with the people's unwavering endurance, ensured that they could not, and would not be beaten.

It was his leadership that led to a national awakening, and consciousness in Vietnam, it was his leadership that ensured Independence and victory.

I would encourage everyone to watch the above documentary, as an insight and a glimpse into this revolutionaries life. Hopefully it will spark an interest, that will lead to further knowledge of this historical figure and the struggles that he led.


Anonymous said...

enjoyed the article.

have watched the documentary before. its excellent.

Ardoyne Republican said...

Ho Chi Minh was also inspired by Irish Patriot, Oglach Terence MacSwiney during his agonising Hunger-Strike in 1921...

After MacSwiney's death, Minh told a friend;

'With revolutionaries like him, Ireland is sure to win her freedom'.

BTW Chara, Ardoyne will be holding a Fianna day on Sunday October 25th begining @ 3pm. Ogra are more than welcome to attend and partake in the parade comrade.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff :)

Bryan said...

Excellent find, I've never saw this before and probably never would have if it hadn't been posted here.

A true revolutionary hero.

Anonymous said...

Irony is that the split between the Officials and the Provisionals took place along the lines that the Provisionals disliked the influence of national liberation movements such as Ho Chi Minh's NLF on the strategy and ideology of the Republican movement, with the provisionals telling officials to go to Vietnam.

That said, this is irrelevant now, as PSF, is not SF today. And, what the officials eventually ended up as... anti-republican neo-unionists says it all.

Anyway, HO CHI, HO CHI MINH! :)