Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I’ll bet you we get a United Ireland!

Gerry Junior

One of Ireland’s biggest bookies and safe house to many an absentee husband, Paddy Power, has just released odds for a United Ireland.

Odds of 10/1 are being offered for a United Ireland to be achieved by 2027, 14/1 by 2022, 20/1 by 2017 and the most ambitious 25/1 by 2012.

So there you have it, recognition from a great community provider and champion of an honest life style, that a United Ireland is a coming.

We’ve all been told the British Queen enjoys a flutter, so what year will Lizzy go for?

And who knows maybe new British Premier Gordon Brown, will have a secret wee bet, go for 2012 safe in the knowledge that he can de-colonise the North and stand assured to secure a tidy sum multiplied by 25, we always said a United Ireland made sense economically.

Perhaps Gordon, Lizzy, Ian and Reg could come together, make a collective bet and in one sweep, free Ireland, get rich and flease poor Paddy Power.

We have all heard fight for a United Ireland, vote for a United Ireland, now Paddy Power is simply asking you to bet for a United Ireland.

Gerry Junior in no way endorses gambling: apart from the

- Sinn Féin National Draw
- Local Sinn Féin Lotteries
- Raffles at Republican Functions


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha - Very Good! Colleen

Anonymous said...

Are you actually happy with those odds- yee clann that are intellectually challenged?

Anonymous said...

Wat about ogra tickets-can we not buy them any more??? lol
brilliant article. Anyways im away to put a few bob on the 3:30pm at aintree and while im try give me £15 on a united ireland by 2016

Debness said...

Please tell me where I can get the "United Ireland 32" street sign. I want one for my front door. Thanks!