Monday, December 10, 2007

Moilligh Síos!

Peadar de Bluit
National Campaigns Officer

Ógra Shinn Féin

Tá an Nollag buailte linn arís. Is bliain fíochmhar crua a bhí againn le 12 mí anuas. In ainneoin seo áfach tá dul chun cinn déanta ag Ógra Shinn Féin i rith an ama sin. Faoi láthair táimid i mbun feachtas náisiúnta ag díriú ar sláinteachas bóithre. Tá obair maith déanta againn ar an gceist ón samhradh anonn agus ba cheart bheith bródúil asainn féin faoi sin. Is ceist tromchúiseach í ceist an sláinteachas bóithre, agus tá sé an spreagúil do go leor daoine go roghnaíomar obair a dhéanamh air.

Christmas time is with us again. Republicans have endured a reasonably difficult year over the past 12 months. Despite this however, Ógra Shinn Féin have continued to develop and grow. At the moment we are in the midst of a national campaign focusing on road safety. We have done very good work on this issue since the summer and we should recognise that. Road safety is an extremely difficult, sensitive question, and many have been encouraged by the willingness of Ógra to take on this issue.

We have nearly reached the end of the current campaign but before that we must focus on the national mobilisation scheduled to take place in Dublin on Saturday. Labour Youth and the Young Greens, have come together with ourselves in Ógra Shinn Féin to sponsor a national youth vigil calling on Irish people to take Road Safety more seriously, and make a real effort to change the driving culture that exists in our country. This issue transcends borders, politics and nationality; it affects all ages, races and genders. This why we have campaigned on this issue for the past six months, and why we are mobilising in Dublin on Saturday.

Tá mise ag glaoch ar chumainn Ógra fud fad na tíre teacht go Blá Cliath ar an Satharn agus a cinntiú go bhfaightear an teachtaireacht. Is ceist í an Sláinteachas Bóithre a cuireann isteach ar gach aoinne is cuma cén aois nó cén cuid den tír gurb as dóibh. Más rud é nach raibh tú gníomhach go dtí seo impím oraibh teacht ar an Satharn agus a bheith páirteach san agóid.

I urge all Ógra activists to travel to Dublin on Saturday and send the message to the people of Dublin and the people of Ireland that the Irish youth are serious about Road Safety and that we want something done about it now. If there is any area which has not yet been active on this campaign, for whatever reason, now is your chance to play your part. Come to Dublin on Saturday, bring your friends, relatives and fellow comrades. Come to Dublin on Saturday and make your voice heard, make sure Ireland gets the message – MOILLIGH SÍOS!

Beirigí Bua,


Anonymous said...

Okay, simple question, and not intended to have a go at ógra, but when and why did OSF decide not to adopt a workers rights campaign, despite being voted for overwhelmingly by the membership at the national Congress?

As I say, I'm not interested in getting into an argument on this and accept OSF campaigns are not my baby anymore, I am just interested to hear the ógra take on it, as the person who put forward the motion. (Which no one spoke against)

Anonymous said...

Donal a chara,

It was agreed that Workers Rights was carried as a national campaign following the Congress, for the month of May, during the ARISE campaign.

So we decided on a new campaign which was road safety.

Nollaig Shona,

Ógra Shinn Féin

Anonymous said...

Okay. Thanks for response.