Monday, June 02, 2008

Rally for a NO Vote

2pm - Saturday 7 June

EU Offices,
Dawson St.,
Dublin 2

Republican and Socialist youth activists invite you to a rally on Saturday June 7th, on the steps of the EU offices on Dawson St., against the Lisbon Treaty that is virtually identical to the proposed EU constitution rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005. The treaty, if ratified, would consolidate and centralise the power of unelected EU institutions, further the militarisation of Europe and advance its neo-colonialist ambitions, and hasten the privatisation of Europe’s public services.

Defend Workers & Migrants’ Rights!

Conflicts between employers and workers will be ruled on by a strengthened European Court of Justice. The European Trade Union Confederation has described several recent ECJ rulings as an “open invitation to social dumping”, launching a race to the bottom for workers’ wages, conditions and rights. Recent ECJ rulings, like the cases of Viking and Laval, in effect limit the effectiveness of trade unions in defending their members’ interests and taking collective action. These cases are redolent of the Irish Ferries dispute in 2005 and a YES vote would further pave the way for a race to the bottom.

Against EU Militarisation!

Irish troops are currently participating in a French-dominated EU intervention into the conflict in Chad. The Irish establishment parties, including Labour and the Greens, are trying to sell the military intervention as a “humanitarian assistance action”. In reality, the EU is aiming to consolidate their influence in Chad which exports bigger quantities of oil and uranium since 2003. The Lisbon Treaty would facilitate more controversial EU military activity of this kind, since the militarily dominant states are former colonial powers. The treaty also stipulates that “all member states shall undertake to progressively improve their military capabilities”. Increased military spending is a requirement of the treaty, unlike health or education.

Resist Privatisation!

Competition is one of the EU’s organising principles and is the framework for all other policies. Since the 1980s the EU has also moved to restructure essential public services such as water and sanitation, public transport, energy, post and telecoms as private businesses. In 1999, for example, the European Parliament passed the water directive, which is responsible for our schools being charged for drinking water this year. This is liberalisation in practice. And now, health, education and social care systems are in focus as competition law prohibits state aids (subsidies) to industries or services “which distort or threaten to distort competition” (Art 87 TFEU). Neo-liberalism has become the dominant paradigm in the EU over the past 15 years and it's pushed further by this renamed constitution.

It’s in the interests of all the working people of Europe for the NO vote to win in the upcoming referendum. When we vote on this treaty we vote not just for ourselves, but also for others in Europe who are denied a vote. The first step to building an alternative and a concerted resistance across Europe against the EU’s neo-liberal project is to reject the Lisbon Treaty. There will be an open mic (within reason) provided and participants are encouraged to bring banners, flags and noise. See you on the 7th!

Contact Oisín on 0879153106

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