Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ógra Shinn Féin Weekend set for Kilkenny

Ógra Shinn Féin Kilkenny will be hosting their 2nd annual youth weekend from the 6 until 8 July.
An exciting mix of talks, debates, protest and functions are sure to keep delegates' and the Kilkenny public interested throughout the weekend.
Among the highlights of the weekend will be a talk on the Fenians, extra poignant considering that Kilkenny was a hotbed of Fenian activity. There will also be a Republican March through Kilkenny town and for the extra energetic there will be a sponsored walk on the Sunday.
Urging people to attend, local Ógra Shinn Féin organiser Peader de Bluit said,
“We had a brilliant turn out last year, and we literally brought Kilkenny to a standstill when we proudly marched through the streets up to the Castle. The weekend attracted much attention to Ógra, and has resulted in our activity and recruitment sky rocketing since.”
“The weekend has a lively clár that is packed full of debate and action, and not to mention delegates will have an opportunity to see the beautiful scenery of Kilkenny in a historical tour of the area.”
“We would urge people to turn out again to the action packed weekend of events. In order to ensure a space – book now!”
To view video of last year's weekend click here.
For clár and booking details please follow link.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sound like a great clár, i'll definately be there. Joanne